Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Paris is Burning

Paris is Burning - a classic. Not only does this documentary highlight gay counterculture in NYC, the origin of 'Vogueing', and fabulousness in general, it is visually amazing as well. I love gritty Manhattan footage from the days when New York was a dangerous, thrilling place. I love the stories and heartbreak that spill onto the streets. I remember the first time I ever set foot on the concrete of that city and how I could actually feel the energy of the city travel through me - the city was an entity, a being....and I was in love. That was in 1983, and this film is a trigger for the way I felt back then. It also makes me unspeakably happy that all the people in this film were so proud of who they were and had found a place in life where they were not only happy and accepted, but adored and celebrated, a full 20 years before the rest of America was even THINKING about following suit.

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